Outsmarting the Storm: The Science of Floodplain Mapping

Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Senate Dirksen 366
2:30 AM - 3:30 PM

Invitation Flyer


Opening Remarks: 
Senator Mary Landrieu


Gerry Galloway, University of Maryland

David Maune, Dewberry

Michael Buckley, Association of Sate Floodplain Managers

John Dorman, North Carolina Department of Public Safety

Overview: How do we predict where flooding is likely to occur? This briefing will discuss the technology and modeling techniques that scientists and engineers use to assess the risk of flooding and to develop flood hazard maps. Learn how this information is used by floodplain managers who deal with flooding hazards. Four experts will explain the information and concepts that underpin the nation’s flood hazard and flood risk maps.